Last night after returning home from a truly breathtaking performance by my good friend & yoga student, i of COURSE posted on facebook... heralding my good fortune at being blessed by a life filled with such inspiring & talented friends. Now... if you're my friend on facebook you know a few things: a) i love following all of my friends & sharing in their triumphs b) i always "like" pictures of kissing & puppies... and c) i enjoy posting. a LOT. and in these posts, i usually express a great deal of joy, because i like to "practice" what i preach & lead a life filled with daring adventure & bliss. i have a dear high school friend who constantly makes fun of my effusive adjectives. He'll always check in to make sure i am having a GLORIOUS day 🙂 But this make me happy. I like having facebook as a platform to inspire, to share, and to be a part of the human condition (which may sound ironic since it's the internet, but i know from experience that facebook does touch quite a few lives. for better, or for worse, so practice "ahimsa" (non-violence) and be careful with your words. they have a powerful affect.) Last night, a friend and student who takes my classes posted a question on my status.
"Elise - do you ever feel down? Hit rough spots? (that's meant as a compliment".
This question inspired a very immediate & honest response. I'll share that response with you now. so if you ever wonder if i have hard moments... yes. i do. and THOSE moments are when i do my BEST to practice being happy that i am able to FEEL so deeply. sensation is a gift, and a sign of a "life worth remembering" (as Bruce Lee would say). It's easy to be happy when you're eating hot fudge sundaes, or 'salt & vinegar' chips. a bit harder when you're emotionally vulnerable. So when Susan asked me if i ever felt down.... here was my response: