HAPPY NEW YEAR! This morning, January 1, I woke up feeling…. different. (And not simply because I had imbibed an inordinate amount of pink champagne at various NYE festivities, and kissed a few friends (and maybe even one or two strangers) last night as the ball dropped)..... Different, because I know that today is a brand new day, in a brand new, squeaky clean sparkling new year! A day, and a year where anything is possible. Life just feels… new. vibrant. brimming with all the potential for whatever I choose to imagine.
2011, for me, was a year of learning. and growing. I almost feel as if I knew all along that it was merely a preparation. A time to listen, and feel. To overcome, to persevere, and to clear space for all that is to come in 2012. And now…. 2012 is here. So as I tumble out of bed, I feel almost giddy as I down a glass of fresh squeezed OJ (resolution #1 – no diet sodas) and brew my own coffee (resolution #2 and #3– consume less sugar, and don’t squander money at Starbucks for ludicrous half-caff sugar free mochas).
For the New Year, I have resolved to begin each morning by drawing an ‘angel card’ for a daily intention. These are small cards with one word printed on them…. representing the specific ‘angel’ that is working with you to guide you along your path each day (resolution #4- be open to study and explore my own spirituality). Today, I decide to shuffle the cards before choosing. As I do so, I start to feel an inexplicable pressure to choose the right card. The best card. I mean… I’m kind of expecting this little card to offer some deeply profound insight for the ENTIRE year. After all, my friend Katie has told me that she is positive 2012 will be my MIRACLE YEAR. My friend Cathy has told me that, exactly one year ago, her psychic predicted that 2012 was going to be my YEAR of ABUNDANCE (No pressure). This card I’m about to pick HAS to be perfect! But then…. I breathe, and realize that I’m being ridiculous (resolution #5 – stop trying to be perfect, and accept my soul's inherent perfection). SO I calmly continue to shuffle, meditating on my intentions as I do so (resolution #6 – practice meditations). Just then…. a kind of miraculous thing happened. At least…. I choose to think of it as miraculous (resolution #7- notice, and appreciate small miracles…. they are a key to the divine). As I am shuffling… 3 cards flip themselves over. Now… this breaks all the rules (resolution #8 – break more rules) of having to CHOOSE just ONE card, but I harnessed resolutions #7 & #8, and just went with it.
The 3 words facing me were: ABUNDANCE. AWAKENING. and AUTHENTICITY. As I stare at each card, I marvel at the perfection of these words. I look forward to the vast potential of this new year. This fresh start (resolution #9 – learn from the past. Be present. Look forward). It’s beginning to appear that 2012 will… in fact… be my personal MIRACLE YEAR.
ABUNDANCE. AWAKENING. AUTHENTICITY. I couldn’t have chosen better myself. Which leads me to notice…. a rather wonderful lesson: sometimes…. The true path to your destiny, means getting out of your own way, and trusting that LIFE…. may have bigger plans for you, than you could ever have imagined for yourself (resolution #10- Trust more. Fear less) I hope YOUR New Year is….. MIRACULOUS.
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