Elise Joan Fitness

Raise the Barre!

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The Upward Turn

Posted on 09-16-2010 by Elise Joan

5 Things I’m grateful for today: 1) my mom’s strawberry rhubarb pie recipe 2) iTunes & the classic hip-hop styling’s of Ludacris, Usher, & L’il John  3) fresh dill  4) friends to share my joy of cooking with 5) taking the time to do nothing but enjoy the rich beauty of life.

I woke up this morning to the typical Santa Monica marine layer that we’ve seen all summer long here in “sunny” California.  Our “June Gloom” which decided to overstay it’s welcome into July, August, and September.  This marks the first of the 4 summers I have spent in L.A. that I have not thrown my purple Ugg boots into an ‘out of season’ box with my hoodies and sweaters.  Even my cream wool scarf received a reprieve from the storage bin.

So when I stumbled sleepily out of bed praying for sunshine, I must admit to being a TOUCH disappointed at the daybreak haze.  Cloudy.  Again.  Nonetheless, I was determined to get to my spin class, come hell or high ‘humidity’, so I threw on my uggs and grabbed a travel mug of my ONE perennial ‘anti-fitness professional’ vice (espresso roast coffee with completely UNnatural hazelnut creamer + splenda)…. and began the 1 mile trek to the gym.

The terrain seemed more like the wuthering moors of Sedgemoor than the California coastline, but at this point in my walk I could hardly notice….. being MUCH too busy rockin’ out to the sick flows of Luda and ‘Ursher’ in my headphones.  As I walked into Equinox, I’m fairly certain I was singing aloud en route to my bike… “I left the Jag and I took the Rolls, if they aint cuttin’ then I put ‘em on foot patROLLLLLLL.. AAAOOOW, How you like me now?!?!......”.

Spin class was heart-pumping fun, despite the Justin Bieber- heavy music mix, and the conspicuous lack of Luda.  I hopped off my bike feeling my ‘inner sunshine’ cut through the murky fog outside, as headed off in pursuit of today’s “Blissful”mission”: buying fresh, healthy, ingredients at the local Farmers’ Market for tonight’s dinner.

Tonight I was preparing a homemade dinner of seasonal California fare for a longtime NYC friend who was visiting for the night.  This undertaking is right in line with one of my latest “blissful” passions: a renewed interest in cooking.  I have been having a torrid love affair with simmering, braising, searing, and sautéing.  I once even attempted a fricosee! Sometimes, I’ll use a recipe, and sometimes I’ll throw caution to the wind and throw a handful of the most aromatic herbs and exotic spices into the pan with some EVOO and create decadent combinations that have never before been conceived!  It has been a rich and delicious outlet for my imagination, and has allowed me to tempt my senses and create edible works of art.  Occasionally, I have played a little fast & loose with my ingenuity & been forced to order last minute take-out from Akbar’s Indian restaurant down the street, but all in all…It’s been a delightful and tasty jaunt!   No matter what I endeavor… my joy AND my challenge is to always cook with an awareness of nourishing the body with healthy and delectable whole foods.

As I meander the Farmers’ Market, sweaty and tired from spin, my mind spins with all the delicious possibilities.  With no menu planned I simply maneuver from stand to stand choosing whatever is the

most beautiful!  The ripest heirlooms, the most tender greens, the purplest eggplants, the most sunshine-y yellow peppers.  I take my time…asking the farmers for their favorite recipes, herbs, and flavor combinations.  Along the way… I hear their life stories, rich with experience.  I sense their passion for their food.  I know who sells organic, and who has had farming in their family for more than 5 generations.  I know who grows the best Haas avocados, and who will give you rare & delicious ‘opal basil’ if you ask.  I know that the flower guy at 2nd & Arizona is a die hard buck-eye, and the vendor who’s famous for his ‘holy guacamole’ is a Michigan fan who was once denied service at a South Bend Denny’s for this abomination.

I spent nearly 90 minutes languidly indulging in the experience of the vibrant marketplace.  Taking it all in.  Listening & learning…perusing crisp produce…tasting fresh peaches and nectarines.  Gathering family recipes.  It was pure heaven.  Time went by without feeling like time at all.

After filling bags and bags with the makings of what will clearly be an orgasmic meal, I was still at a loss for dessert.  Just before giving up & contemplating Ghiradelli brownies…I saw it:  Fresh rhubarb.   A spring phenomena usually well out of season by fall.  I couldn’t believe my eyes!  One of my greatest childhood joys was my mom’s strawberry rhubarb pie.

Even as a child, I knew this was something magical.  I have always wished I could enjoy fresh rhubarb pie for thanksgiving, but it just never seemed in the cards.  I had resigned myself to using frozen, which (let’s face it) just isn’t the same.  But NOW…I walked over, half convinced the stand was a mirage.  I asked the farmer “How?”  “How could you possibly have rhubarb so late in the year?”  She replied that this summer had been so unseasonably cold, that they were able to grow it into the fall.  Well.  Whaddaya know. The June Gloom had been the catalyst for this unprecedented seasonal marvel.

After buying as many of the rich garnet stalks as I could possibly carry, I walked home to Luda’s flow and thought to myself: it seems every grey cloud really DOES have a silver lining.

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