Just wanted to share with you one of my favorite quotes! this was the theme for my yoga classes this week! Live life unafraid to fall down or make mistakes. whether on the mat or off, we MUST be willing to come out of our comfort zone & FLY. it takes fearlessness to truly touch […]
Recently, while revamping this website, i took a little hiatus from blogging and found myself playing on facebook quite a bit. it began slowly (as most pseudo-addictions do). a status here… a photo album there….. ONCE in awhile MAYBE a “check-in. after a time, i found that i was writing less and less in my […]
5 Things I’m grateful for today: 1) my breath 2) my Black Cherry “Manduka Pro” Yoga Mat 3) my Rip Curl summer wetsuit 4) my friend Justin for detailing my pink beach cruiser 5) chocolate chip pancakes, from Blue Plate on Montana This morning I woke up and practically BOUNDED out of bed. Now, on […]
JOY is not something that ‘happens’ to us. it’s not something we wait for, or something other people give to us. JOY is something we CHOOSE. something we PRACTICE. our reality is largely the nature of our thoughts, so practice manifesting JOY and abundance, just as you would practice landing a handstand. the results are […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! This morning, January 1, I woke up feeling…. different. (And not simply because I had imbibed an inordinate amount of pink champagne at various NYE festivities, and kissed a few friends (and maybe even one or two strangers) last night as the ball dropped)….. Different, because I know that today is a […]
One filled with joy preaches without preaching. ~Mother Teresa live your life to the fullest, and practice radiating JOY! not just “in general”, but specifically…. now. today. breathe. read. send an email to an old friend. make a new friend. practice the power of positive thought. taste every bite. take a bubble bath. do a […]
Late last year, I took a trip around the world, and one of the many highlights was a jaunt to Mal Pais, Costa Rica (see previous blogs). This sleepy little village is a haven for venturesome surfers, located square between the beautiful rolling waves of the coast-line, and the alluring greenery of the dense rain forests. In short…. Paradise.
Typically, I like to begin these blogs with an itemization of “5 Things for which I am thankful”. Today…. I think I will break with tradition, and instead begin this post with… “5 Things of which I am TERRIFIED!!” 1) being attacked by sharks 2) drowning in the open ocean 3) being attacked by sharks […]
I came upon this quote earlier today over my Venti iced coffee as i was preparing to teach. At first, it sounds pretty basic…. i mean, we’ve heard it a million times: “follow your heart!”. it’s not exactly an earth-shattering revelation. BUT…. maybe….. it could be. Maybe Confucius did not intend this advice to be applied only to the broad spectrum of our careers and life journeys. MAYBE…. he meant it to apply to every individual day. or even…. every individual moment.